The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.
~ Albert Einstein
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Nobody’s Figured It Out Yet[01:04]
We keep leaving the door open for money and big corporate interests to control Washington.
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U.S.A. in Crisis, Revolution in 2010[04:07]
Don’t blame the President for our problems. It is not the President’s job to elect our Congressional reps. – it is our job – but 90% of us are not really doing our job.
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You say you want a REVOLUTION? (Part 1)[04:20]
Revolution? It is written into the Constitution.
Read and Exercise Article 1 Section 2. You should have a plan for a new system before you throw away the current one.
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Freedom VS Tyranny [05:22]
In 1970 voter turnout fell below 50%. Today, less than 10% of the people are picking their reps in primaries in their district every two years. REVOLUTION will come when we threaten gov’t with the power of the people according to the Constitution. Many experts say that people don’t vote because they are lazy and some say it is because they are too busy. Follow GOV360 as we find solutions to the chronic problem of BAD GOVERNMENT.
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The Infinite Wisdom Of “We, The People” [01:59]
Freedom is not possible when 90% of the people are not exercising the prescribed means to being a free Constitutional Republic according to Article 1 Section 2 !! We offer revolutionary solutions to the TURNOUT CRISIS in AMERICA.
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I Don’t Vote! I Want To Be Sure My Vote Will Count [00:35]
Millions refuse to vote or take on the system from with-in. We are reaching out to them. REVOLUTION is in the CONSTITUTION.
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New Video Coming Soon
New Video Coming Soon [00:00]
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New Video Coming Soon
New Video Coming Soon [00:00]
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non-profit organizational movement to increase voter turnout in the mid-term congressional elections.